New Standard Academy

The Principal's Corner - July 21, 2024

With Correy Black

Principal, The New Standard Academy

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As many are aware, our school community has been dealing with the tragic loss of two of our students, aged 13 and 15, to gun violence. These senseless acts have deeply affected our school community, and our thoughts and prayers continue to be with the families and friends of these young individuals during this incredibly difficult time.

In moments like these, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a community to support one another. As a school, we are committed to providing our students, staff, and families with the resources they need to navigate through this grief and to take steps toward healing and prevention.

School Support and Initiatives

  • Counseling Services: We have made additional counseling services available for students, staff, and Please contact the main office as we will provide emotional support to help our community process this tragedy.
  • Safe Spaces: In the fall, designated safe spaces will be established within the school where students can go to talk, reflect, or simply be in a supportive environment.
  • Awareness Programs: We will be enhancing our existing programs that educate students about violence prevention, conflict resolution, and the importance of reporting suspicious or concerning behavior.
  • Community Meetings: We will hold a series of meetings for parents, students, and staff to discuss the impact of this tragedy and to explore proactive measures to prevent future incidents. Details of these meetings will be communicated in the coming weeks.

How Parents Can Help

  • Open Communication: Encourage open and honest discussions with your children about their feelings and concerns. Listen to them and provide reassurance and support.
  • Monitor Social Interactions: Be aware of your children’s social interactions and any changes in behavior. Always check social media platforms, consistently.
  • Promote Safety: Discuss the importance of reporting any suspicious activities or threats to a trusted adult, whether at home or at school. 
  • Community Engagement: Get involved in community programs and initiatives that work towards reducing violence and promoting safety in our neighborhoods.
  • Advocate for Change: Support policies and initiatives aimed at reducing gun violence and increasing safety in our community.

It is crucial that we, as a school and as a community, work together to create a safer environment for our children. This tragic event underscores the urgent need for collective action to address and prevent gun violence.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school administration or counseling services if you or your child need support during this time. We are here to help.

Thank you for your attention, your support, and your commitment to making our community a safer place for all.

With deepest sympathy,

Correy Black, MPH, ES
The New Standard Academy
(810) 787-3330
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